INFINITO — Mariana Sammartino | Jewelry | Art | Metalsmithing | Houston


INFINITO is an open invitation to become a participant in an act of artistic co-creation. 
The art object is a starting point. Context defines the work. Viewer’s interpretation determines meaning.

Art object | Sculpture | Wearable | Lighting | Art Installation


INFINITO is a body of work that explores the transient nature of perception and experience. All instances in the series highlight the entanglement that exists between the object and the world. Artist and viewer arrive at the work with their own interpretations, projecting their own desires, assumptions, prejudices, aversions, and preferences. INFINITO works are not concerned with categorization or fixed definitions; rather, INFINITO invites the viewer to explore the work through an experience rooted in the context of the now. INFINITO challenges perception as it generates a sense of intrigue or wonder, stimulates ambiguity or defies preconceived notions.

As the name implies, each INFINITO art object contains multiple manifestations. Interacting with the work -whether one is exploring its movement on the body or within a given space, reveals a variety of possibilities, from sculptural to functional applications.











Into Space

Mariana in her studio.jpg



INFINITO arose out of my ongoing interest in transforming simple geometries into complex forms and volumes. By folding and creasing the material in a curved pattern, the piece bends onto itself. Based on a still poorly understood geometric algorithm, this folding creates a sensual contour that rises-and-falls in an endlessly undulating volume. This phenomenon, located at the intersection of art, mathematics and engineering, has caught the attention of a artists and scientist alike, such as the art theorist and Bauhaus educator Joseph Albers; and leading scientists in Computational Origami, including Dr. Robert Lang, Dr. David Huffman (University of California), and Erik Demaine (MIT). As an artist, it certainly captured my interest, and continues to spark my curiosity. 

Working with metal woven wire mesh presents a departure and a particular set of circumstances for my own exploration of the form. The INFINITO series is my ongongoing investigation into the many possibilities that can develop from a single art object. Mainly using stainless steel, bronze, and brass (left in their natural states, or with a flame patina finish), each piece is conceived and handmade individually.  Lighting greatly affects the works, bringing out the beautiful iridescent quality of the mesh.